Day 1: General Assembly & Grundtvig Award Ceremony

Join the EAEA General Assembly to discuss key policy issues at the European and global level together with our members, and to get to know the new Executive Board of EAEA. In the evening, celebrate the winners of the Grundtvig Award and their innovative approaches to the green transition in adult learning. 

EAEA General Assembly

Hotel International, Zagreb

Registration and welcome coffee
10:30 – 10:50 Grand Salon 1

Welcome words and practical information

Uwe Gartenschlaeger, EAEA President

Andrej Marušić, Adult Education Institution DANTE

Representative of the Ministry of Education

Mile Živčić, Director of the Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO) in Croatia

10:50 – 11:30
Grand Salon 1

Statutory business 1

  • Presentation and approval of the activity report 2022 and workplan 2023
  • Presentation and approval of the accounts 2022 and the financial plan 2023
11:30 – 12:20
Grand Salon 1
Presentation of candidates for the Board and for President
12:20 – 12:30
Grand Salon 1
12:30 – 13:30 Hotel Restaurant
13:30 – 13:40
Grand Salon 1
Election Results
13:40 – 14:10
Grand Salon 1
New EU policy developments
14:10 – 14:45
Different room per discussion
Group Discussions | Round 1
Global Policy Developments

Global policy developments: implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action

Room: Adriatic 1

Almost a year has passed since the last CONFINTEA, a major global process for adult learning and education. The resulting Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA), a success story for civil society, should now be implemented in UNESCO member states. During the discussion, ICAE's Majda Richter will invite participants to share whether the commitments made in the MFA are taken up at the national level.

Microcredentials in ALE

The use of microcredentials in adult learning and education

Room: Adriatic 2

One of the main actions of the current European Skills Agenda calls for an increased use of microcredentials in lifelong learning. While microcredentials are already used to some extent in higher education, it is not yet the case in adult learning and education. During the discussion, facilitated by Zoltán Várkonyi from EBSN and Balazs Nemeth from the University of Pecs, participants will look at how microcredentials could support professional development of adult educators.

ALE and the war in Ukraine

The role of adult learning and education in peacebuilding and reskilling in the context of the war in Ukraine

Room: Mediteran

The ongoing war in Ukraine has increased demand for peacebuilding and reconciliation but also for upskilling and reskilling. During the discussion, members will be invited to share the perspectives on supporting refugees in their countries as well as good examples of reconciliation activities in adult learning.

New EAEA Manifesto

New EAEA Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century

Room: Grand Salon 1

In the lead-up to the European elections in 2024, EAEA will work on updating its Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century. Since 2015, the document has been a flagship advocacy tool for EAEA and its members and has been translated in almost 20 languages. During the discussion, EAEA members will share their suggestions on how the new Manifesto could be improved, both in terms of its format and its content.

14:45 – 15:20 Different room per discussion
Group Discussions | Round 2
Global Policy Developments

Global policy developments: implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action

Room: Adriatic 1

Almost a year has passed since the last CONFINTEA, a major global process for adult learning and education. The resulting Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA), a success story for civil society, should now be implemented in UNESCO member states. During the discussion, ICAE's Majda Richter will invite participants to share whether the commitments made in the MFA are taken up at the national level.

Microcredentials in ALE

The use of microcredentials in adult learning and education

Room: Adriatic 2

One of the main actions of the current European Skills Agenda calls for an increased use of microcredentials in lifelong learning. While microcredentials are already used to some extent in higher education, it is not yet the case in adult learning and education. During the discussion, facilitated by Zoltán Várkonyi from EBSN and Balazs Nemeth from the University of Pecs, participants will look at how microcredentials could support professional development of adult educators.

ALE and the war in Ukraine

The role of adult learning and education in peacebuilding and reskilling in the context of the war in Ukraine

Room: Mediteran

The ongoing war in Ukraine has increased demand for peacebuilding and reconciliation but also for upskilling and reskilling. During the discussion, members will be invited to share the perspectives on supporting refugees in their countries as well as good examples of reconciliation activities in adult learning.

New EAEA Manifesto

New EAEA Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century

Room: Grand Salon 1

In the lead-up to the European elections in 2024, EAEA will work on updating its Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century. Since 2015, the document has been a flagship advocacy tool for EAEA and its members and has been translated in almost 20 languages. During the discussion, EAEA members will share their suggestions on how the new Manifesto could be improved, both in terms of its format and its content.

15:20 – 15:50
Grand Salon 1

Statutory business 2

  • Membership changes
15:50 – 16:00
Grand Salon 1

Concluding words

Uwe Gartenschlaeger, EAEA President

Participation Fees: General Assembly

Member Rate: 30 Euros
Non-Member Rate: 50 Euros

Venue: General Assembly

Hotel International, Zagreb

EAEA Grundtvig Award Ceremony

National and University Library of Zagreb

18:00 – 18:15

Musical Interlude and Welcome words

Ana Mušnjak, learner at the Public University in Rijeka

Uwe Gartenschlaeger, EAEA President

Antonija Gladović, Director of the Croatian National Agency for EU Programmes

18:15 – 18:35
Award ceremony
18:35 – 19:00

Musical Interlude and reception

Participation Fees: Grundtvig Award

No fees apply

Venue: Grundtvig Award

National and University Library of Zagreb

Festive Dinner | 19:30-21:30

Restaurant Vinodol

Participation Fees: Festive Dinner

50 Euros

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