Join us to discuss the power of adult learning

Join us to discuss the power of adult learning
At the EAEA Annual Events in Helsinki we will engage in conversations about the transformative impact of adult learning and education on individuals, communities, and society.
11 June 2024: General Assembly & Grundtvig Award Ceremony
Join the EAEA General Assembly to discuss key issues in the adult learning sector today and in the network of EAEA members. In the evening, celebrate the winners of the Grundtvig Award and get to know practices that showcase the transformative impact of adult learning.
12 June 2024: EAEA Annual Conference
How can adult learning and education foster meaningful change in individual lives, communities and society? Join the adult learning community of learners, practitioners, researchers and policymakers to exchange on the impact of adult learning in Europe and beyond. We’ll explore the transformative power of learning in the context of global challenges such as green transition, migration and social change.
EAEA General Assembly and Annual Conference Themes
Day 1: EAEA General Assembly

Research, policy and practice: what new spaces for exchange?
How can we turn the collaboration between research, policy and practice into a virtuous cycle, and learn from each other? Join the discussion to exchange ideas on how EAEA and ESREA can improve their capacity-building

Gender equality in the adult learning sector: are we there yet?
Adult learning strives to promote social inclusion and gender equality in Europe. Is gender equality a reality within our sector?

European Education Area: only one year to go!
The European Education Area set out ambitious objectives, aiming at achieving universal access in the EU to quality education and training by 2025. What’s the state of the art of adult learning policy in our countries as of 2024?

Under pressure: (new) roles of adult educators
Adult educators are often expected to fulfil a multitude of tasks: facilitate, inform, support, motivate, innovate. What can adult learning organisations do to support educators?
Day 2: EAEA Annual Conference
Creative tools for advocacy and social change in the context of migration
How are migrants portrayed in the media? How are migrant adult learners portrayed within your communities? This interactive workshop will allow us to explore and experiment to understand advocacy for social change and how we change narratives.

Communities as catalysts for social transformation and green transition
What can adult educators learn from sustainable communities? Join us in the workshop for some participatory, heart-felt and fun experiences and practices for community building, engagement and capacity in navigating transformation processes.

Learner voice in action
What can adult learning organisations do to encourage learner-led approaches? Join the workshop to get to know the existing practices in Europe and to reflect on the approaches that would work in your own context. This workshop is supported by the Erasmus+ project ENHANCE.

Global perspectives on ALE
What’s the global outlook on adult learning and education? In this workshop, participants will explore diverse international approaches and their far-reaching implications for policy, practice, and personal growth.