Our Speakers and Facilitators for 2024

Alex Stevenson is a Head of Programme at Learning and Work Institute (L&W), leading the organisation’s research and development work on adult basic skills and learning in communities, including non-formal learning. Alex has worked on a range of projects for clients including the Department for Education, the Home Office, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Greater London Authority. On community learning and non-formal education, his projects have included developing and piloting the use of social metrics to measure outcomes in non-formal learning, and supporting city regions with the devolution of the Adult Education Budget. Before joining L&W, Alex taught, managed and developed adult basic skills and ESOL provision for over 13 years. Alex is an executive board member at EAEA and an executive committee member at the European Basic Skills Network.

Angeliki Giannakopoulou is a project coordinator at EAEA. She holds an Integrated Master’s degree in Computer Engineering and Informatics and has followed certified training on Adult Education and Counseling while currently studying for her Masters degree on Gender Studies. Before her work in the EAEA she was a project manager and adult educator in Greece and her key areas of interest on ALE are digitalisation and media, safe public spaces (both physical and digital) gender, and intersectionality.

Anna Ekström is the chairperson of the Swedish Organisation for Independent Folk High Schools (RIO) and the Stockholm Workers’ Educational Association (ABF Stockholm). She is also chairperson of the board of Umeå university. She is a former Minister for Education and ALE and a former Director General for the Swedish National Agency for Education as well as former President of the Swedish Conferedation of Professional Associations (Saco).

Anna Skocz is an NGO trainer, educator and local activist with more than 20 years of experience in non-formal international and national education in youth and ALE sectors, passionate about quality in ALE and advocacy for ALE;
Professionally, she is a project manager and fundraiser, director of international cooperation department in sTOP as well as intercultural communication trainer, enthusiast of learning from failures and mistakes and enthusiast of art life coaching. Optymist. Anna is a representative of NGO Trainers Association (Stowarzyszenie Trenerskie Organizacji Pozarządowych/sTOP), former board member of sTOP, current member of EAEA executive board.

Anneloes van Delft says that " As an educational scientist, I have a passion for learning: How do people learn? What motivates
them? And how can we facilitate the learning process as optimally as possible? To make learning possible for everyone, I am committed to making education more accessible, inclusive, and flexible. In my role as an educational advisor, I focus on (societal) issues related to lifelong learning and basic skills. My goal is to make adult education an integral part of lifelong learning."

Dearbháil Lawless is the Chief Executive Officer in AONTAS, the National Learning Organisation in Ireland. Dearbháil attended at the UNESCO CONFINTEA VII conference in 2022 as an Irish national delegate. Her background in education includes teaching in community education, Further Education and Training and lecturing in Higher Education.

Gina Ebner is the EAEA Secretary General, She has worked in adult education for many years and has a background as education and project manager, experience in multi-stakeholder and transnational environments, network building, curriculum and product development, knowledge management, team and project leadership. She also worked as a trainer in adult education. She was President of the European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (now European Lifelong Learning Platform - LLLP) until 2013 and again between 2018 and 2020.

Ms Isabell Kempf is the current Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in
Hamburg, Germany.
She has 30 years of experience working with the United Nations, bringing her expertise in the areas
of capacity-building and policy advice, as well as the application of a human rights- and gender-based
approach to education, development and peace-building, to the Organization.
Prior to joining UIL, Ms Kempf held positions including Head of the United Nations Research Institute
for Social Development (UNRISD) Bonn Office, where she co-created a global research and action
network comprising researchers, decision-makers and social activists to advance a just and green
transformation of society, and Co-director of the Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) of the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
in Nairobi, where she led a global programme on integrated policies in over 28 countries.
She has held further roles at UNESCO, UNEP, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights (OHCHR) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).
Ms Kempf has published widely on the right to education and development, and social and
environmental justice. She holds an MA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of
Oxford and a PhD in International Economics and Development from Complutense University of

Jose Roberto ‘Robbie’ Guevara is an educator with extensive experience in adult, community and popular education with a focus on education for sustainable development and global citizenship education. He is a sought-after facilitator for his expertise in participatory, creative, and experiential learning methodologies developed from his years of working as a grassroots environmental educator and theatre practitioner in the Philippines.
Robbie is an Associate Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia where he is the Program Manager of the Master of Global Studies and a researcher at the European Union Centre of Excellence. He is the President of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) and a Board Member of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) representing the Asia Pacific region. In 2012, he was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame for his contribution to adult learning in the Asia-Pacific region and in 2016 was awarded a CONFINTEA Research Scholarship by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning to conduct research on education and resilience.

Katarina Popović is Secretary General of ICAE - International Council for Adult Education (global network of NGOs active in youth and adult education) and Professor for adult education and Chair of the Department for Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia), and visiting professor at several universities. She is co-chair of the Education and Academia Stakeholder Group and a member of MGoS HLPF Coordination Mechanism related to the UN Agenda 2030. Ms Popović is president of the Serbian Adult Education Society, certified trainer in adult education, member of International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, editor in chief of the journal “Andragogical studies” and author of numerous publications on adult education and adult literacy, and lifelong learning.

Laura Kaestele works as a network weaver, designer, grower, project manager, and facilitator in integrative design, ecological regeneration, community and organisational development, permaculture, and holistic living with 12+ years of practical experience. She has supported various networks, non-profits, sustainable communities, eco-projects, and regenerative farms around Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Central America to connect, synergize, and take transformative action for regeneration. Laura holds an MSc in Regenerative Development and a BSc in Integrative Ecosocial Design from Gaia University, along with Permaculture and Ecovillage Design certificates as well as participatory leadership, facilitation, coaching, and sustainability education training.

Dr. Lauri Tuomi is the CEO of the Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation (Kvs Foundation) and Vice-President of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). He is a member of Finland’s UNESCO Commission and the Committee for Sustainable Development, chaired by Finland’s Prime Minister.

Marcella Milana is an Associate Professor at the University of Verona and an Honorary Professor of Adult Education at the University of Nottingham. She researches the politics, policy and governance of adult education and learning and is currently chair of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Lifelong Education. She recently edited (with P. Rasmussen and M. Bussi) the Research Handbook on Adult Learning and Education (Edward Elgard, expected in June 2024).

Marlies Elderenbosch is a dedicated and enthusiastic advisor and researcher in the field of adult education with a specific focus on basic skills and lifelong learning. She works at CINOP Foundation, a social education organization focused on learning, training, and development. Learning in a meaningful context is the
foundation of all Marlies' work. She believes that this is the only way to ensure sustainable learning and contribute to the quality of education, and to make sure the learners’ voice is heard. Learning and development thus become enjoyable both inside and outside the school. Marlies is also the project coordinator of EPALE in the Netherlands.

Pinar Aksu is a third year PhD researcher at the University of Glasgow, a theatre maker and Human Rights and Advocacy Coordinator. Her research explores ‘Art and Law in migration: using art practices for social change and access to Justice.’ She is interested to find connections between solidarity, art, justice, and the law. Within her role, Pinar is involved with campaigns and projects supporting people seeking asylum and refuge, promoting integration and human rights. Pinar is also involved in using theatre and creative methods to create social change.

Raffaela Kihrer is Deputy Secretary General and Head of Policy at the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and has extensive experience in advocacy and policy on adult learning and education at the European and international level, with a particular focus on citizenship and development. Since June 2022, she is also an elected Vice-President of the Lifelong Learning Platform which brings together all sectors of education. Her background is in International Development Studies, and she is a trained teacher in secondary school education and adult learning.

Ricarda Motschilnig currently serves as the Policy and Advocacy Officer at the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) and is pursuing her PhD at Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria, focusing on adult literacy with participatory approaches. With extensive experience in international adult education and lifelong learning, Ricarda specializes in coordinating strategic international projects and advocating for adult learning and education in educational policy. Her research emphasizes the importance of learner voice in shaping educational research and policies at all levels.

Tarja Halonen served as President of Finland from 2000 to 2012. Her political career in Finland spans over four decades. She was elected to Parliament in 1979 and was reelected four times before taking office as President. She has also held several cabinet positions including Minister for Foreign Affairs. During her Presidency, she served as co-chair of the United Nations Millennium Summit and co-chair of the UN High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability.
During her career, President Halonen has paid close attention to issues of sustainable development, human rights, social justice and democracy. Halonen continues to work closely with the UN and other international organizations and networks. Among other positions she is currently a member of UN’s Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation, UNCCD Drylands Ambassador, a member of CTBTO Group of Eminent Persons, a member of Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s Leadership Council and the Chairperson of Lancet commission on Peaceful Societies through Health and Gender Equality.
Photographer: Lasse Keltto

Tuulikki Laes is an Academy Research Fellow and holds a position as a University Researcher at the University of the Arts Helsinki. She has a doctoral degree in music education and her research interests include educational democracy, inclusion and systems thinking within music and arts. She is also the founder and CEO of RockHubs that creates intergenerational and accessible music learning communities. As an academic and an entrepreneur, she is driven by the power of music and the arts to tackle societal challenges. Her recent research projects include “The Transformative Politics of Music Education in Ageing Society” (2019-2022), “Artists for a Sustainable Future (2022-2023) and “Performing the Political: Public Pedagogy in Higher Music Education” (2023-2027).

Uwe Gartenschlaeger has dedicated his career to advancing adult education on various levels, culminating in his role as director and chief executive of DVV International in March 2023. His extensive contributions as both a practitioner and policymaker have significantly impacted trainers and students across Europe, Asia, and Russia. Joining DVV in 1995, Gartenschlaeger served in multiple leadership roles, including country director for Russia and regional director for Central and Southeast Asia. His efforts have been pivotal in restructuring adult education systems and developing policies in partner countries. Notably, he managed training cycles for adult educators in Laos and Cambodia from 2015 to 2019, creating communities of practice that have inspired similar initiatives in other regions.
As deputy director of DVV, he developed standardized training curricula like "Curriculum globALE," now a UNESCO-recommended tool. In 2019, he was elected president of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), where he advocated for the European Union’s New European Agenda for Adult Learning. Gartenschlaeger, who studied history, political science, and philosophy, is also passionate about fostering a culture of remembrance and reconciliation.